Bernardi s.n.c decorazioni art-deco
Lavorazioni, colorazioni, decorazioni, verniciatura in sitle art-deco
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Who we are

Our company was founded in 1982 in S. Biagio di Callalta (TV) and since then it has been crafting art déco decorations on a wide range of products: from sports cups to trophies, from bottles to bonbonniere, from chandelier to other items.

What we do

What makes us unique is the ability to meet your needs for:

  • Personalised ideas
  • Hand crafted decorations;
  • A quality and durability guarantee;
  • Various shapes, colours and sizes;
  • Anearly infinite range of color tones;
  • Fluid decorative movements and designs inspirated by the wind;
  • All of the products used for the decorations are cadmium, mercury and hexalent chromium free, in compliance with EEC standard 91/338.
It will do our pleasure to show you around our facilities if you should wish to visit us in person. You can see for yourself how we create the vast range of color on diverse materials.
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